Welcome to the Early Modern Warfare Website
(pronounced 'm-web')
When I have more chapters of my dissertation complete, I'll fix up these pages, but for right now, you can:
Read my manifesto on EMWWeb, a rambling list of suggestions for what this website could become.
Look at the first data to be posted here: a list of Austrian
generals (1680's-1740's), courtesy of Erik Lund.
This page is rather large (271 Imperial generals with their ranks and dates,
about 311 k), so you may want to download the tab-delimited
text version or the Excel 97
version if you already know you want the data.
Browse images from Pelet's atlas accompanying Vault
and J. Pelet, ed. Mémoires militaires relatifs à la succession d'Espagne
sous Louis XIV, extraits de la correspondance de la cour et des généraux
par le lieutenant général de Vault, directeur du Dépot de la Guerre, mort
en 1790... (Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1862).
Courtesy of John Weise and Sally Bjork of Digital
Library Production Services, Image Services,
University of Michigan Libraries. Go to http://images.umdl.umich.edu/m/misc/
the University of Michigan image search page and search
under 'ostwald'. For a list of
the individual fortresses (mostly in Flanders, all dealing with fortifications
between 1702-1714) with links, click here (to come).
Peruse A Guide to Sources in Early Modern European Military History in Midwestern Research Libraries, courtesy of John Lynn and George Satterfield.
Read a wish list of documents, sources and data that it would be nice to have here in digital format.
Submission Procedures and Guidelines (to come).
All this data is brought to you care of the author(s) and myself. Please use it responsibly! Copyrights apply.
Comments and suggestions (particularly regarding copyright issues, the possibility of a future online database format, and ideas for a graphics logo) are welcome.
Last Edited 10/22/2002